Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween masks

We can often tell who is wearing the mask. If someone puts on a sheep mask and still waddles and quacks, you know he's a duck. 

Last week a mask of "innocence" was taken off Exxon Mobil. Knowingly contributing disastrous amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere for over 30 years and funding a movement to deny the basic science of human-caused climate change, this and other extraction companies don't have our best interests in mind. Most of us really do know this, but we pretend the mask is real. That the humans running these companies really do have hearts. That they wouldn't continue to drill if it weren't really safe. That the market will self-regulate and provide the solutions we need when we need them. 

Our Halloween masks aren't the scariest ones that we wear. When you become aware of your masks, take them off so we can be with you as you are. When you see others wearing masks, request that they take them off so we can be with them as they are. 

And most importantly, quit deluding yourselves with dangerous ideologies just because they're wearing a too obviously false Messiah mask molded with currency bills.

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