Sunday, April 3, 2016

These two commandments

Even if we disagree that there was innately anything special about Jesus beyond genetic predispositions, we can likely agree that he was a master. And apprentices, like us, can also develop mastery by taking the coaching.

Matthew 22:36-40
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Yang - Roots and Routes
How we think we need to live, deeply rooted in materialism, is destroying the biosphere of human and nonhuman life. Materialism, its distractions, we seem to value quite highly.

A relationship with the Eternal provides a direct route to personal spiritual ascendance: greater heights of personal satisfaction, clarity, enjoyment, vision, and effectiveness. Our distractions, both material and dogmatic, are shiny things that lead us off the path, the Way, of loving God above all else.

And I think that our willingness to disrupt the harmonic equilibrium of the biosphere is an affront to the Source. Impudence in the presence of the Sovereign. Where self-ascendency could lead to greater fulfillment, our materialistic detour stalls us in our reach for personal divinity.

Yin - Food, Dancing, and Hugs
Not only are our lives beginning to be noticeably and dramatically affected by human-induced climate change at the hands of an unrestrained fossil-fuel economy, our children's and their children's lives will be disastrously affected. And the first victims of the most impacting effects will be the poor; the less poor will be the second victims; and so on.

Where uncompromising capitalists see crises as opportunities, it's not typically the same for climate victims without other resources. Josh Fox, director, said at his movie showing in Baltimore a couple weeks ago, "The United States would be a different country today if the poor and brown fleeing New Orleans after Katrina were greeted with food, music, dancing, and hugs instead of shotguns."

All scientific climate simulations, generally presented with minimal sensationalism, point to climate change-related catastrophes occurring more and more frequently this century. And the poorest are impacted most harshly, first.

The depth of connection, compassion, empathy, and concern I feel for my own kids can provide me instruction on how to more fully love my neighbor. Assimilating a bit more of Jesus may too.

Tao - Taking the Coaching
I don't believe that Jesus was inherently divine any more than you and I, but I do believe we won't fulfill on that potential for ourselves if we don't take the coaching.

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